Classic Aircooled VW Steering Boxes parts by Limebug
Limebug Ultrarm, the solution to poor steering lock, uneven steering and fouling shocks / dampers on narrowed beams.
The Problem
The ackermann angle, when a beam is stock width is configured so the inner wheel, when in a corner will turn a tighter radius than the outer, this angle is based on the track width and length of the vehicle.
When a narrowed beam is installed this steering relationship is compromised, this has been commonplace and a factor tolerated for years, the myth being that the beam is the root cause, not the geometry.
The Ultrarm
The ultrarm achieves perfect steering ratios, for both early and late models using late or TRW steering boxes (small spline) for both early and late Track Rod Ends, M10 and M12 respectively for both Left and Right Hand Drive models.
Each unit is manufactured in EN24 High Tensile Alloy Steel.
When installing your ultrarm, if fitting to a previously installed "stock" pitman arm, the short rod will require shortening a further 15mm in order to allow for tracking the vehicle.
LB-030040103 LB9